SkillsFuture Credits Claim Guide 2025

A Step-by-step guide on claiming your SkillsFuture Credits

How to Submit SkillsFuture Credits Claim

Wondering how to use your SkillsFuture Credit? It’s straightforward! Use it to offset fees for approved courses through the MySkillsFuture portal, where you can also check your credit balance and track your claims.

At registration, inform us if you wish to use your SkillsFuture Credit to cover part or all of the course fees. After enrolling, submit your claim on the MySkillsFuture portal within 60 days before the course start date (inclusive). The credited amount will be directly disbursed to us.

Follow our step-by-step guide or download the PDF for detailed instructions.

SkillsFuture Credits Claim Guide 2025 cover page

1. MySkillsFuture portal homepage with search options

Image screenshot of MySkillsFuture website

2. Sign in with your SingPass via the SingPass app or password login.

Singpass login prompt on MySkillsFuture portal

3. Click on “Submit A Claim“.

SkillsFuture credit claim status page

4. In the “Search by Training Provider” search bar, type “Aventis Graduate School”, and hit the Search button.

Steps required to submit a SkillsFuture claim

5. Select the training course that you will be attending.

6. Selecting course for SkillsFuture claim submission

7. Select the Course Run Date that you will be attending.

Selecting course run for SkillsFuture claim

8. Key in the following information:

i) Amount of SkillsFuture Credit to Claim,
ii) Amount Payable by you (Refer to invoice),
iii) Upload Supporting Documents (Invoice).

Entering claim details and uploading documents

9. Click on the checkbox ✅ to acknowledge the SkillsFuture Credit Terms & Conditions, and click on the Submit button.

Reviewing SkillsFuture claim submission details

10. Toggle to the Claim Applications Section and take a screenshot.

What is SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)?

SkillsFuture Credit consists of credits which Singapore Citizens can use to pay for out-of-pocket course fees for attending skills-related SkillsFuture courses. The credits can be used on top of existing course fee subsidies provided by the Government.

All Singaporeans aged 25 or above will receive SkillsFuture Credit of $500 from January 2016. This will not expire and you may accumulate your credit for a range of eligible courses on MySkillsFuture. On 1 October 2020, the Government provided a one-off SkillsFuture Credit Top-up of $500 for all eligible Singaporeans aged 25 or above by 31 December 2020.

The SkillsFuture Credit scheme is part of a range of programmes and initiatives introduced by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) to support individuals in their skills development and lifelong learning. As the SkillsFuture Credit is intended to encourage all Singaporeans to learn for life and to take personal ownership of their lifelong learning journey, credits are not transferable between individuals.

How do I check what is my available SkillsFuture Credit balance?

You may follow these steps to log in to check your available SkillsFuture Credit:

i. Go to MySkillsFuture at:
ii. Click on “Login”
iii. Upon login, click on “SkillsFuture Credit”

If this is the first time that you are applying to use your SkillsFuture Credit, you will be prompted to update your profile information.

Can I submit a SkillsFuture Credit claim without registering for a course?

No. Please register for a SkillsFuture course with a training provider first before submitting a claim. You will need your course details (e.g. course start date, course ID, training provider) before you can submit a claim.

Can I sign up for courses through the SkillsFuture Credit Course Directory?

No. You need to register the SkillsFuture course directly with the training provider.

For more information on SkillsFuture Credit, refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Feel free to contact us @ 8859 6809 if you have any queries.

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