A subfield of psychology called “health psychology” is concerned with the behavioral, cognitive, psychological, and physiological aspects that affect how people react to their health and sickness. Its objectives are to promote wellness, prevent ill health, and preserve quality of life and wellbeing even in the face of illness.
The theoretical, empirical, and scientific facets of the study of health psychology will be the main topics of this module. Health-improving and health-detrimental behaviors, risk factors for the major killers, stress and coping mechanisms, interactions between patients, their healthcare providers, and healthcare environments, pain and chronic illness, and specific diseases like heart disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS, neurological disorders, and age-related illnesses will all be covered.
We will draw on many related disciplines such as medicine, biology, experimental psychology, neuropsychology, developmental, social, and clinical psychology, behavioral medicine, pharmacology, nutrition, and others and thus this course will have a wide appeal to psychology majors and non-majors alike.