Should I Earn My MBA Now or Later? Here are some signs you should!
In this article, Aventis Graduate School helps you make a more informed decision on whether or not to take up an MBA. MBA stands for Master of Business Administration. First introduced by the Harvard University Graduate School of Administration in 1908 (now Harvard Business School), the MBA is the original graduate degree offered by business schools globally.
Deciding on whether you should take up an MBA can be a challenging decision to make. There are many factors to consider, such as money and time invested in it. However, it can be truly rewarding in terms of experience and advancements in your career. At Aventis Graduate School, we offer part-time MBAs that have classes on weekends so you can concentrate on your work and other commitments while striving for your MBA! Click here for more!
- The Right Time in Your Life
Timing is probably the biggest factor to consider.
Although it can be a bit cliché, there truly is no time like the present. Your current life situation may allow you to complete your MBA in only one year, and if that’s the case, then it might be wise to continue your education now.
This is especially true if you’re a recent college graduate since you’re most likely already conditioned for school life (studying for exams, balancing homework with other life responsibilities, etc.). You may benefit from riding that wave of momentum into graduate school, especially since the further out of school you become, the harder it is to go back.
If you are at a point in your life where you have the time and availability for school, then strongly consider seizing the opportunity to earn your MBA now.
- Better Empowered to Reach Your Potential
Earning your MBA earlier in your career can help open doors sooner, allowing opportunities to pursue your purpose in business and beyond.
You will still have to put in the time and effort, as everyone does regardless of their education, to move up in your career. However, you’ll have the necessary education to reach your potential quickly, especially if you hope to move into leadership someday.
It’s no secret that having an MBA on your resume will often provide opportunities sooner than others in the same season of their career without a graduate degree. Your continued work experience, coupled with an MBA, will only make you a more valuable candidate in the eyes of employers as you progress in your career.
At Aventis, we want to help you achieve your career goals with our part-time MBAs.
Click the link below for info!
- Real-World Working Experience
We are sure you are already aware of the dilemma: employers are looking for young professionals with experience, but how do young professionals acquire experience without being hired in the first place?
That’s why the opportunity to obtain real-world experience is so important. Earning your MBA can allow you to develop experience in competitive analysis, market research, branding, project management, accounting, healthcare management, presenting to senior management, and more.
- A Professional Mentor for Guidance
It can be difficult to navigate your professional career when you are just starting off out of college.
And there’s no denying it—it helps to know people who have gone before you in your field of interest.
By earning your MBA now, you can be matched with a mentor from the corporate community who can give you firsthand insight about their industry, as well as help you cultivate your interests, skills, and potential as you decide which direction you want to go in after you graduate. It can be a great gift to have access to the resources, people, and experience that an MBA program offers earlier in life as opposed to later—and to learn from those who have gone before you as you set about pursuing your purpose in the business world.
At Aventis, we want to help you achieve your career goals with our part-time MBAs.
Click the link below for info!
Source: Point Loma